The “Short-Term Marketplace Lending Note” by Anthedon gives investors access to private debt
with unparalleled diversification and new state-of-the-art transparency features such as the
newly launched investors portal.
After a successful seed funding last summer and a positive track record with managed accounts
as well as two fund projects, i2 group has now launched its first completely inhouse product for
professional investors, approved by the Financial Market Authority of Principality of
The note gives investors access to a uniquely diversified portfolio using the software developed
by i2 invest which allows them to collect, standardise and evaluate investment data from
marketplace lending platforms. Investments are diversified across a multitude of factors such as
marketplaces, loan originators, loan types (such as sme loans, invoice financing, car loans,
mortgages), countries and duration.
The loan portfolio has been specifically designed using loans that have shown extraordinary
resilience during the turmoil of last year’s crisis in order to improve security.
The note is a short-term debt alternative, with the primary aim of offering investors a way to
store not needed strategic liquidity with a time horizon of more than 12 months at interesting
rates in times of low and negative interest rates in the bond market. This feature is supported by
a short duration of 1.5 years with a term of 2 years and a target yield of 4.25% p.a.
In conjunction with this product, the new investor portal - which was setup with the expertise,
know-how and support of i2 invest - on the webpage is being launched. This
platform will first be available to investors of the short-term lending note and at a later stage be
rolled out to all investors of any product related to the i2 group. The portal will feature a
dashboard for each product of the i2 group and affiliated partners. This dashboard allows
investors to follow their investment in detail, showing granular data on each investment.
Furthermore investors will be able to retrieve relevant documents on this portal. At launch a
“demo dashboard” will also be available, allowing non-investors to explore the capabilities of the portal.
Note information
Title: Short-Term Marketplace Lending Note
Currency: EUR
Denomination: 10.000 EUR
Min size: 10 certificates
ISIN: LI0563379606
Sales restrictions: Institutional/professional and qualified investors resp. in EU/CH/FL/UK only
Source: press release i2 Group, 24.03.2021