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vlot with booth and pitch at the Swiss Fintech Fair 2019

Dynamic life risk analysis and coverage solutions that smoothly adjust to changing life situations.


What we do at vlot

We leverage tech to simplify the life insurance journey – which with vlot is kicked off by an easy access to a holistic analysis of available state and employer related risk benefits.

Hence, our proposition does not start with selling a product but helps to evaluate what the customer's real coverage needs are. And it does not stop after life insurance was bought but provides ongoing guidance as to when a coverage amendment makes sense. With vlot, life insurance becomes live.

We focus on offering our tech stack B2B and support insurers, banks and corporates to be present in context of their clients' or employee's relevant life events and decisions (such as getting a baby or buying a house) – at the same time helping them to deliver impactful advice, create valuable leads and unlock untapped revenue streams.

Why vlot participates at the Swiss Fintech Fair Getting involved in the Swiss Fintech Fair is a great opportunity for us to demo our platform capabilities to businesses and private individuals alike. Furthermore, we’ve been a member of the Swiss Finance Startups association (who is running the fair) for roughly two years now and want to continue actively contributing to the local start-up ecosystem.

Why stop by our booth (or attending our pitch)

Are you representing an insurance, bank or corporate and are interested to hear more about how vlot can create value for your business, clients or employees? Then get in touch to say hi or directly schedule your meeting with us at our booth during the Swiss Fintech Fair on September 17th:

Swiss Fintech Fair |

17 September 2019 | 09:30-17:00 | Kraftwerk/Zurich

And if you are simply curious how vlot can create value in your personal, individual life situation (be it merely by way of providing additional transparency), then why not attend our pitch or visit our website / live offering which basically is accessible to anyone living in Switzerland:


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